Original In Stock Allen-Bradley A-B 855XB-BND24A5 Hazloc Xenon Beacon 24V DC

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Allen-Bradley 855XB-BND24A5 Hazloc Xenon Beacon 24V DC
1768-CNB ControlNet Bridge Module
1768-CNBR ControlNet Redundant Bridge Module
1768-EWEB Ethernet/IP Enhanced Web Server Module
1769-ADN CompactLogix DeviceNet Adaptor Module
1769-AENTR 1769 Network Adaptor,Ethernet,69-I/O,24.0V DC, Dual Port
1769-AENTRK 1769 Network Adaptor,Ethernet,69-I/O,24.0V DC, Dual Port, Conformal Coating
1769-ARM Address Reserve Module
1769-ASCII 2 Channel RS232/RS485/RS422 ASCII Module
1769-BA Replacement Battery
1769-BOOLEAN 24VDC Input/Output Boolean Control Module
1769-ECRK Right End Cap/Terminator - Conformally Coated
1769-HSC 2/4 Channel High Speed Counter/Encoder Module
1769-IA16 16 Point 120 VAC Input Module
1769-IA16K 16 Point 120 VAC Input Module - Conformally Coated
1769-IA8I 8 Point 120 VAC Individually Isolated Input Module
1769-IF16C 16 Channel Compact High- density Analog Current Input Module
1769-IF16CK 16 Channel Compact High- density Analog Current Input Module- Conformally Coated
1769-IF16V 16 Channel Compact High- density Analog Voltage Input Module
1769-IF16VK 16 Channel Compact High- density Analog Voltage Input Module- Conformally Coated
1769-IF4 4 Channel Analog Current/Voltage Input Module
1769-IF4K 4 Channnel Analog Current/Voltage Input Module - Conformally Coated
1769-IF4FXOF2F High Resolution, High Speed 4 In/2 Out Analog Combination Module
1769-IF4I 4 Channel Analog Current/Voltage Isolated Input Module
1769-IF4IK 4 Channel Analog Current/Voltage Isolated Input Module- Conformally Coated
1769-IF4XOF2 8 Bit Resolution, High Speed 4 In/2 Out Anlg. Comb
1769-IF8 8 Channel Analog Current/Voltage Input Module
1769-IF8K 8 Channel Analog Current/Voltage Input Module - Conformally Coated
1769-IG16 16 Point 5 VDC TTL Input Module
1769-IM12 12 Point 240 VAC Input Module
1769-IQ16 16 Point 24 VDC Sinking/Sourcing Input Module
1769-IQ16F 16 Point High Speed 24VDC Input Module
1769-IQ16K 16 Point 24 VDC Sinking/Sourcing Input Module - Conformally Coated
1769-IQ32 32 Point 24VDC Input Module
1769-IQ32K 32 Point 24VDC Input Module - Conformally Coated
1769-IQ32T 32 Point 24VDC Input Module - Single Wide
1769-IQ6XOW4 Combo 6Pt 24 VDC Snk/Src In, 4Pt VAC/VDC Relay Out
1769-IR6 6 Channel RTD/Resistance Input Module
1769-IR6K 6 Channel RTD/Resistance Input Module - Conformally Coated
1769-IT6 6 Channel Thermocouple/Mv Input Module
1769-IT6K 6 Channel Thermocouple/Mv Input Module - Conformally Coated
1769-L16ER-BB1B CompactLogix L16 Controller, 24 VDC Only, Up to 6 Modules Expansion, POINT Bus Backplane, 16 DI (Sink), 16 DO (Source), 2 Ethernet Port (DLR), Up to 4 Ethernet/IP nodes, 384KB User Memory, 1GB SD Card Inbox
1769-L18ER-BB1B CompactLogix L18 Controller, 24 VDC Only, Up to 8 Modules Expansion, POINT Bus Backplane, 16 DI (Sink), 16 DO (Source), 2 Ethernet Port (DLR), Up to 8 Ethernet/IP nodes, 512KB User Memory, 1GB SD Card Inbox
1769-L18ERM-BB1B CompactLogix L18 Controller, 24 VDC Only, Up to 8 Modules Expansion, POINT Bus Backplane, 16 DI (Sink), 16 DO (Source), 2 Ethernet Port (DLR), Up to 8 Ethernet/IP nodes, 512KB User Memory, 1GB SD Card Inbox. 2 Axes Integrated Motion
1769-L18ERM-BB1BK CompactLogix L18 Controller, 24 VDC Only, Up to 8 Modules Expansion, POINT Bus Backplane, 16 DI (Sink), 16 DO (Source), 2 Ethernet Port (DLR), Up to 8 Ethernet/IP nodes, 512KB User Memory 1GB SD Card Inbox. 2 Axes Integrated Motion. Conformal Coated
1769-L19ER-BB1B CompactLogix L19 Controller, 24 VDC Only, Up to 8 Modules Expansion, POINT Bus Backplane, 16 DI (Sink), 16 DO (Source), 2 Ethernet Port (DLR), Up to 8 Ethernet/IP nodes, 1MB User Memory, 1GB SD Card Inbox
1769-L19ER-BB1BK CompactLogix L19 Controller, 24 VDC Only, Up to 8 Modules Expansion, POINT Bus Backplane, 16 DI (Sink), 16 DO (Source), 2 Ethernet Port (DLR), Up to 8 Ethernet/IP nodes, 1MB User Memory, 1GB SD Card Inbox, Conformal Coated
1769-L24ER-QB1B CompactLogix 5370 L2 Controller, 2 EtherNet/IP ports with Device Level Ring Capability, 750KB Memory, 16 DC Inputs, 16 DC Outputs, Up To 4 1769 I/O Expansion Modules, 8 EtherNet/IP and 120 TCP Connections, 24V DC Input Embedded Power Supply,With 1GB SD Card, Can Support Up To 2GB SD Card, 1 USB Port.
1769-L24ER-QBFC1B CompactLogix 5370 L2 Controller, 2 EtherNet/IP Ports With Device Level Ring Capability, 750KB Memory, 16 DC Inputs, 16 DC Outputs, 4 Universal Analog Inputs, 2 Analog Outputs, 4 High Speed Counters, Up To 4 1769 I/O Expansion Modules, 8 EtherNet/IP And 120 TCP Connections, 24V DC Input Embedded Power Supply, With 1GB SD card, Can Support Up To 2GB SD Card, 1 USB Port.
1769-L24ER-QBFC1BK CompactLogix 5370 L2 Controller, Dual Ethernet w/DLR capability, 750KB Memory, 4 I/O Expansion, 8 Ethernet IP Nodes, 24VDC. Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and can support up to 2GB SD card. - Conformally Coated
1769-L27ERM-QBFC1B CompactLogix 5370 L2 Controller, 2 EtherNet/IP Ports with Device Level Ring Capability, 1MB Memory, 16 DC Inputs, 16 DC Outputs, 4 Universal Analog Inputs, 2 Analog Outputs, 4 High Speed Counters, Up To 4 1769 I/O Expansion Modules, 4 CIP Motion Axis With Kinematics Function, 16 EtherNet/IP and 120 TCP Connections, 24V DC Embedded Power Supply, With 1GB SD Card, Can Support Up To 2GB SD Card, 1 USB Port.
1769-L30ER CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controllers, Dual Ethernet w/DLR capability, 1MB Memory, 8 I/O Expansion, 16 Ethernet IP Nodes. Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and can support up to 2GB SD card.
1769-L30ERK CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controllers, Dual Ethernet w/DLR capability, 1MB Memory, 8 I/O Expansion, 16 Ethernet IP Nodes. Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and can support up to 2GB SD card. - Conformally Coated
1769-L30ERM CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controllers, Dual Ethernet w/DLR capability, 1MB Memory, 8 I/O Expansion, 16 Ethernet IP Nodes, 4 Axis CIP motion with Kinematics function. Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and can support up to 2GB SD card.
1769-L30ERMK CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controllers, Dual Ethernet w/DLR capability, 1MB Memory, 8 I/O Expansion, 16 Ethernet IP Nodes, 4 Axis CIP motion with Kinematics function. Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and can support up to 2GB SD card. - Conformally Coated
1769-L30ERMS CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controllers, Dual Ethernet w/DLR capability, 1MB standard + 0.5MB Safety Memory, 8 I/O Expansion, 16 Ethernet IP Nodes, 4 Axis CIP motion, Kinematics with Integrated Safety function. Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and can support up to 2GB SD card.
1769-L30ER-NSE CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controller, Dual Ethernet w/DLR capability, 1MB Memory, 8 I/O Expansion, 16 Ethernet IP Nodes, No Supercap for RTC. Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and can support up to 2GB SD card.
1769-L33ER CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controllers, Dual Ethernet w/DLR capability, 2MB memory, 16 I/O Expansion, 32 Ethernet IP Nodes. Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and can support up to 2GB SD card.
1769-L33ERK CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controllers, Dual Ethernet w/DLR capability, 2MB memory, 16 I/O Expansion, 32 Ethernet IP Nodes. Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and can support up to 2GB SD card. - Conformally Coated
1769-L33ERM CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controllers, Dual Ethernet w/DLR capability, 2MB memory, 16 I/O Expansion, 32 Ethernet IP Nodes, 8 Axis CIP motion with Kinematics function. Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and can support up to 2GB SD card.
1769-L33ERMK CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controllers, Dual Ethernet w/DLR capability, 2MB memory, 16 I/O Expansion, 32 Ethernet IP Nodes, 8 Axis CIP motion with Kinematics function. Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and can support up to 2GB SD card. - Conformally Coated
1769-L33ERMO Armor CompactLogix 5370 On Machine Controller, 2MB Memory, 16 I/O Expansion, 32 Ethernet/IP notes, 8 Axis CIP motion with Kinematics function, IP67, Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and support up to 2GB SD card.
1769-L33ERMOS Armor Compact GuardLogix 5370 On Machine safety Controller, 2MB/1MB Memory, 16 I/O Expansion, 32 Ethernet/IP notes, 8 Axis CIP motion with Kinematics function, IP67, Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and support up to 2GB SD card.
1769-L33ERMS CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controllers, Dual Ethernet w/DLR capability, 2MB standard + 1MB safety memory, 16 I/O Expansion, 32 Ethernet IP Nodes, 8 Axis CIP motion, Kinematics with Integrated Safety function. Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and can support up to 2GB SD card.
1769-L33ERMSK CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controllers, Dual Ethernet w/DLR capability, 2MB standard + 1MB safety memory, 16 I/O Expansion, 32 Ethernet IP Nodes, 8 Axis CIP motion, Kinematics with Integrated Safety function. Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and can support up to 2GB SD card. - Conformally Coated
1769-L36ERM CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controllers, Dual Ethernet w/DLR capability, 3MB memory, 30 I/O Expansion, 48 Ethernet IP Nodes, 16 Axis CIP motion with Kinematics function. Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and can support up to 2GB SD card.
1769-L36ERMO Armor CompactLogix 5370 On Machine Controller, 3MB Memory, 30 I/O Expansion, 48 Ethernet/IP notes, 16 Axis CIP motion with Kinematics function, IP67, Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and support up to 2GB SD card.
1769-L36ERMOS Armor Compact GuardLogix 5370 On Machine safety Controller, 3MB/1.5MB Memory, 30 I/O Expansion, 48 Ethernet/IP notes, 16 Axis CIP motion with Kinematics function, IP67, Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and support up to 2GB SD card.
1769-L36ERMS CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controllers, Dual Ethernet w/DLR capability, 3MB standard + 1.5MB safety memory, 30 I/O Expansion, 48 Ethernet IP Nodes, 16 Axis CIP motion, Kinematics with Integrated Safety function. Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and can support up to 2GB SD card.
1769-L37ERM CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controllers, Dual Ethernet w/DLR capability, 4MB memory, 30 I/O Expansion, 64 Ethernet IP Nodes, 16 Axis CIP motion with Kinematics function. Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and can support up to 2GB SD card.
1769-L37ERMK CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controllers, Dual Ethernet w/DLR capability, 4MB memory, 30 I/O Expansion, 64 Ethernet IP Nodes, 16 Axis CIP motion with Kinematics function. Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and can support up to 2GB SD card. - Conformally Coated
1769-L37ERMO Armor CompactLogix 5370 On Machine Controller, 4MB Memory, 30 I/O Expansion, 64 Ethernet/IP notes, 16 Axis CIP motion with Kinematics function, IP67, Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and support up to 2GB SD card.
1769-L37ERMOS Armor Compact GuardLogix 5370 On Machine safety Controller, 3MB/1.5MB Memory, 30 I/O Expansion, 64 Ethernet/IP notes, 16 Axis CIP motion with Kinematics function, IP67, Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and support up to 2GB SD card.
1769-L37ERMS CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controllers, Dual Ethernet w/DLR capability, 4MB standard + 1.5MB safety memory, 30 I/O Expansion, 64 Ethernet IP Nodes, 16 Axis CIP motion, Kinematics with Integrated Safety function. Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and can support up to 2GB SD card.
1769-L37ERMSK CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controllers, Dual Ethernet w/DLR capability, 4MB standard + 1.5MB safety memory, 30 I/O Expansion, 64 Ethernet IP Nodes, 16 Axis CIP motion, Kinematics with Integrated Safety function. Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and can support up to 2GB SD card. - Conformally Coated
1769-L38ERM CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controllers, Dual Ethernet w/DLR capability, 5MB memory, 30 I/O Expansion, 80 Ethernet IP Nodes, 16 Axis CIP motion with Kinematics function. Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and can support up to 2GB SD card.
1769-L38ERMK CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controllers, Dual Ethernet w/DLR capability, 5MB memory, 30 I/O Expansion, 80 Ethernet IP Nodes, 16 Axis CIP motion with Kinematics function. Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and can support up to 2GB SD card. - Conformally Coated
1769-L38ERMO Armor CompactLogix 5370 On Machine Controller, 5MB Memory, 30 I/O Expansion, 80 Ethernet/IP notes, 16 Axis CIP motion with Kinematics function, IP67, Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and support up to 2GB SD card.
1769-L38ERMOS Armor Compact GuardLogix 5370 On Machine safety Controller, 5MB/1.5MB Memory, 30 I/O Expansion, 80 Ethernet/IP notes, 16 Axis CIP motion with Kinematics function, IP67, Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and support up to 2GB SD card.
1769-L38ERMS CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controllers, Dual Ethernet w/DLR capability, 5MB standard + 1.5MB safety memory, 30 I/O Expansion, 80 Ethernet IP Nodes, 16 Axis CIP motion, Kinematics with Integrated Safety function. Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and can support up to 2GB SD card.
1769-L38ERMSK CompactLogix 5370 L3 Controllers, Dual Ethernet w/DLR capability, 5MB standard + 1.5MB safety memory, 30 I/O Expansion, 80 Ethernet IP Nodes, 16 Axis CIP motion, Kinematics with Integrated Safety function. Controllers are shipped with 1GB SD card and can support up to 2GB SD card. - Conformally Coated
1769-ECLK Left End Cap/Terminator- Conformally Coated
1769-IA8IK 8 Point 120 VAC Individually Isolated Input Module- Conformally Coated
1769-IF4XOF2K 8 Bit Resolution, High Speed 4 In/2 Out Anlg. Comb- Conformally Coated
1769-OA16 16 Point 120/240 VAC Output Module
1769-OA16K 16 Point 120/240 VAC Output Module - Conformally Coated
1769-OA8 8 Point 120/240 VAC Output Module
1769-OB16 16 Point 24 VDC Sourcing Output Module
1769-OB16K 16 Point 24 VDC Sourcing Output Module - Conformally Coated
1769-OB16P 16 Point 24 VDC Electronically Fused Sourcing Output Module
1769-OB32 32 Point 24VDC Output Module
1769-OB32K 32 Point 24VDC Output Module - Conformally Coated
1769-OB32T 32 Point Terminated 24VDC Output Module
1769-OB8 8 Point High Power 24VDC Output Module
1769-OB8K 8 Point High Power 24VDC Output Module - Conformally Coated
1769-OF2 2 Channel Analog Current/Voltage Output Module
1769-OF2K 2 Channel Analog Current/Voltage Output Module - Conformally Coated
1769-OF4 4 Channel Analog Current/Voltage Output Module
1769-OF4CI 4 Channel Analog Current Isolated Output Module
1769-OF4CIK 4 Channel Analog Current Isolated Output Module- Conformally Coated
1769-OF4K 4 Channel Analog Current/Voltage Output Module - Conformally Coated
1769-OF4VI 4 Channel Analog Voltage Isolated Output Module
1769-OF4VIK 4 Channel Analog Voltage Isolated Output Module- Conformally Coated
1769-OF8C 8 Channel Analog Current Output Module
1769-OF8CK 8 Channel Analog Current Output Module- Conformally Coated
1769-OF8V 8 Channel Analog Voltage Output Module
1769-OF8VK 8 Channel Analog Voltage Output Module- Conformally Coated
1769-OG16 16 Point 5 VDC TTL Output Module
1769-OV16 16 Point 24 VDC Sinking Output Module
1769-OV32T 32 Point Terminated 24VDC Sinking Output Module
1769-OW16 16 Point VAC/VDC Relay Output Module
1769-OW16K 16 Point VAC/VDC Relay Output Module - Conformally Coated
1769-OW8 8 Point VAC/VDC Relay Output Module
1769-OW8I 8 Point VAC/VDC Indiv. Isolated Relay Output Module
1769-OW8IK 8 Point VAC/VDC Indiv. Isolated Relay Output Module- Conformally Coated
1769-PA2 L3x & L3y CompactLogix Power Supplies 120/240 VAC Input 2 Amp @ 5 VDC Output
1769-PA2K L3x & L3y CompactLogix Power Supplies 120/240 VAC Input 2 Amp @ 5 VDC Output - Conformally Coated
1769-PA4 L3x & L3y CompactLogix Power Supplies 120/240 VAC Input 4A @ 5VDC, 2A @ 24VDC
1769-PA4K L3x & L3y CompactLogix Power Supplies 120/240 VAC Input 4A @ 5VDC, 2A @ 24VDC - Conformally Coated
1769-PB2 L3x & L3y CompactLogix Power Supplies 24 VDC Input 2 Amp @ 5 VDC Output
1769-PB2K L3x & L3y CompactLogix Power Supplies 24 VDC Input 2 Amp @ 5 VDC Output - Conformally Coated
1769-PB4 L3x & L3y CompactLogix Power Supplies 24VDC Input 4A @ 5VDC 2A @ 24VDC
1769-PB4K L3x & L3y CompactLogix Power Supplies 24VDC Input 4A @ 5VDC 2A @ 24VDC - Conformally Coated
1769-SDN DeviceNet Scanner
1769-SDNK DeviceNet Scanner - Conformally Coated
There have More items , all for 100% New & Original with very good discount , pls kindly contact with Chris directly to know more details information .
Chris Fang
Sales Engineer
Sunup (Wuhan) Import and Export Co., Ltd.
Add:7-A16,Caishen Commercial Plaza,Hankou Railway Station,Wuhan, China
Postal code:430015
M: + 86-15926376631(WhatsApp & Wechat) |
Skype: live:chris_61491
Email: chris@sunupauto.com