In Stock Original Testo 606-2 Moisture Meter, Air Temperature and Humidity Order-Nr. 0560 6062

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Testo 606-2 Moisture Meter, Air Temperature and Humidity
Order-Nr. 0560 6062
* Ram electrodes guarantee precise moisture measurements in wood and building materials
* Ideal for carrying out relative humidity and air temperature measurements to check storage and drying
* Identifying and preventing problems using dew point and wet bulb calculations
* Easy to use; backlit display for use in all lighting conditions
The testo 606-2 moisture meter allows you to measure the moisture content in wood and building materials – and the
surrounding environment too. This means that you are now also able to check storage and drying conditions quickly and easily.
The testo 606-2 measures the moisture content of a variety of different types of wood and building materials.
Apart from being able to measure moisture in the same way as the testo 606-1 moisture meter,
the testo 606-2 is also able to measure relative humidity and air temperature and calculate the dew point and wet bulb temperature.
This means that you are now not only able to measure the moisture content of the wood you have stored but
also the relative humidity in the surrounding storage area. Armed with such valuable information,
you can now easily determine whether the storage conditions are ideal or whether they need to be adjusted.
Characteristic curves for precise moisture measurements in wood and building materials
The testo 660-2 measures the moisture content of wood and building materials via the two ram electrodes
which are pushed firmly into the material. The characteristic curves of the different materials allow the moisture
content to be displayed directly as a weight percentage based on the dry mass (dry weight).
The following characteristic curves are stored in the testo 606-2 moisture meter:
For precise moisture measurements in beech, spruce, larch, oak, pine, maple
For detecting moisture and wet places in building materials like cement screed, concrete, plaster, anhydrite screed,
cement mortar, limestone mortar and brickwork
The testo 606-2 moisture meter - compact, practical, professional, easy to use
The compact testo 606-2 moisture meter is designed to make work more efficient and life a lot easier.
A variety of practical functions and features including a hold function which freezes the last reading,
a backlit display for use in all lighting conditions, a slip-on protective cap and a belt bag which ensure that
your moisture meter is stored safely and a hand strap that helps prevent your meter from being accidentally
dropped all ensure that you are best equipped to carry out professional and reliable measurements.
Delivery Scope
testo 606-2 moisture meter, protective cap, belt bag, calibration protocol, batteries.
There have More items , all for 100% New & Original with very good discount , pls kindly contact with Chris directly to know more details information .
Chris Fang
Sales Engineer
Sunup (Wuhan) Import and Export Co., Ltd.
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Postal code:430015
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