IFM KI0024 Capacitive sensor KIE2015-FBOA/NI New & Original with very competitive price and One year Warranty

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IFM KI0024 Capacitive sensor KIE2015-FBOA/NI
* Easy setting of the sensing range via potentiometer
* With combined AC/DC output stage
* Two-wire technology
* High noise immunity
* Output function normally open / normally closed programmable
Product characteristics
Output function normally open / closed; (selectable)
Sensing range [mm] 15
Housing Threaded type
Dimensions [mm] M30 x 1.5 / L = 125
Electrical data
Operating voltage [V] 20...250 AC/DC
Protection class II
Reverse polarity protection no
Output function normally open / closed; (selectable)
Max. voltage drop switching output DC [V] 8
Max. voltage drop switching output AC [V] 10
Minimum load current [mA] 5
Max. leakage current [mA] 2.5 (250 V AC) / 1.7 (110 V AC) / 1.5 (24 V DC)
Permanent current rating of switching output AC [mA] 200; (for UL application: 250 / 100 DC)
Permanent current rating of switching output DC [mA] 200; (for UL application: 250 AC / 100 DC)
Short-time current rating of switching output [mA] 1500; (20 ms / 0,5 Hz)
Switching frequency AC [Hz] 25
Switching frequency DC [Hz] 40
Short-circuit proof no
Overload protection no
Monitoring range
Sensing range [mm] 15
Sensing range adjustable yes
Factory setting sensing range [mm] 15
Real sensing range Sr [mm] 15 ± 10 %
Operating distance [mm] 0...12.1
Accuracy / deviations
Correction factor glass: 0.4 / water: 1 / ceramics: 0.2 / PVC: 0.2
Hysteresis [% of Sr] 1...15
Switch-point drift [% of Sr] -15...15
Operating conditions
Ambient temperature [°C] -25...70
Protection IP 65
Increased immunity yes; (Increased immunity to conducted radio frequency interference)