
Good Discount Endress + Hauser Display FHX40 Series FHX40-A5B New & Original

100% New & Original with very competitive price and One year Warranty
Good Discount Endress + Hauser Display FHX40 Series FHX40-A5B New & Original
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Good Discount Endress + Hauser Display FHX40 Series FHX40-A5B New & Original 

Remote display + local operation.

4-line LC-display.

:: Menu driven plain text operation.

:: Easy setup.

:: User language selectable.

:: Envelope curve display on site.

Usage: FMG60,


Extended order code 

The extended order code is indicated on the nameplate, which is affixed to the device in such a way

that it is clearly visible. Additional information about the nameplate is provided in the associated Operating Instructions.

Structure of the extended order code

• Basic specifications

The features that are absolutely essential for the device (mandatory features) are specified in the

basic specifications. The number of positions depends on the number of features available.

The selected option of a feature can consist of several positions.

• Optional specifications

The optional specifications describe additional features for the device (optional features).

The number of positions depends on the number of features available.

The features have a 2-digit structure to aid identification (e.g. JA). The first digit (ID) stands for the

feature group and consists of a number or a letter (e.g. J = test, certificate). The second digit

constitutes the value that stands for the feature within the group (e.g. A = 3.1 material (wetted parts), inspection certificate).

Model No examples :









FHX40 details

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